Monday, September 1, 2014

Leaps and Lillies

Many will view Walden's Pond as a great American masterpiece. To escape out in the woods and live in cabin beside a pond observing nature. Then writing about the transcending experience of your own inner most feelings about nature.

This is not the modern day campground where we are still in nature and experiencing it with others, still a good experience. Henry David Thoreau lived there for two years and it was land owned by Ralph Waldo Emerson who often call Thoreau his best friend. They often encouraged each other to write natural experiences.

Why did the transcendental movement die out as we seldom hear of it except in American historical writing. Actually it never did even the Indian Gandhi was inspired by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Who were these great men ? The were those who believed it was responsibility and a right to be able to think on ones own. To be an individual - unique. I have another blog stoneintime which is more about religion and uniqueness which is temporarily off line for grammar and I have decide to remove religious inference that may offend.

 Leaps are made by thinkers - it would be also coined a leap of faith. his is not a gamble or chance- a leap is more an educated guess. More of a probability than a possibility in my mind practically anything is possible and most likely what is practical is most likely.

Common sense is wisdom that is basic for survival. To me it is like the frog and the lily the from leaps toward the lily which common sense says there is a firm pad holding it up. A nice lily pad is a great place to catch bugs attracted to the aroma of the lily.

Transcending is not religiosity or spirituality though either can lead to it. Transcending is best described in the mind consciousness model. You become more conscious of nature therefore it is scientific and you become more understanding of wisdom so it is philosophical also. You can see transcendence in most great thinkers. I personally call them stones in time , unique thinkers that cause ripples in the pond.

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